Garfield Parent Teacher Club

The Parent Teacher Club (PTC) provides our school, students and teachers with much needed support. Throughout the year, the PTC holds fun and educational events, and sponsors fundraisers for equipment, school beautification, technology, classroom supplies, etc. The PTC also helps coordinate room parents and other volunteers who support the teachers and children in the classrooms. The PTC relies solely on parent volunteers. Our success comes from the many dedicated parents who continue to volunteer their time and their talents.
PTC Mission Statement
- To nurture the relationship between home and school so that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of the child.
- To enhance the educational facilities and opportunities for the students of Garfield that are not otherwise provided for in the school budgets.
- To foster positive school/community relationships through fundraising and family/community activities.
Thanks to our 2023-2024 Sponsors!
Upcoming Events
8/1 – PTC Membership Drive Now Open
8/1 – Spiritwear On Sale
9/5 – Room Parent Volunteer Meeting 8:15am
9/6 – Goodies with Grandparents 7am-8am
Room Parent Volunteer Sign Up
Room Parent Volunteer information meeting is Thursday, September 5th at 8:15am in Room 32
Help Support Garfield PTC
Sign up for the 2024 – 2025 School Year Membership Drive
- Host school events (Pastries with Parents, Carnival, 6th Grade End of the Year Activities, Mother-Son Event, Father-Daughter Event, Staff Appreciation, Goodies with Grandparents, etc.)
- Support co-curricular programs (Robotics, Cheer, etc.)
- Signage around the school to promote school spirit and culture
- New tables and benches around campus
- Purchasing of supplemental curriculum & supplies to support student learning
- Accelerated Reader program & refill of books in the vending machine in the MPR
- Salaries of crossing guards
- Provide a budget for teachers to copy curriculum
To review all membership levels and their benefits, please view the flyer.
Additionally, if you wish to pay via check, cash, or Venmo, please download the membership payment form.
Next PTC Meeting – Tuesday, September 10th at 5:30 pm, Cub Café